What are the differences between Heartsaver CPR and BLS?

There are many differences between Heartsaver CPR and BLS (Basic Life Support). The American Heart Association (AHA) recommendations are the same throughout all of the courses, but the differences come from which topics are included and the language used in each class. Heartsaver CPR focuses on the basics and uses regular language to discuss its topics. Basic Life Support (BLS) is more advanced and uses technical language to describe techniques in more detail.

Differences between Heartsaver CPR and BLS

The main differences between Heartsaver CPR and BLS comes from a focus on one or two rescuer techniques. Heartsaver CPR focuses exclusively on the single rescuer techniques of CPR Compressions, Rescue Breathing, and Using the AED. If their are any additional people to help, we use them to activate EMS and switch positions with us when we are tired. Basic Life Support (BLS) covers the same single rescuer techniques, but focuses on additional alterations for Two Rescuer scenarios. These differences help maximize the chance of survival for the patient. These include different compression to breath ratios and some additional skills like ventilation with a bag mask device.

The next of the differences between Heartsaver CPR and BLS comes from an optional First Aid module. Heartsaver CPR has the option of also adding First Aid to the class coverings many extra topics, this is not available for BLS. Some of the First Aid topics include basics like Personal Protective Equipment and Hand Hygiene, Medical Emergencies like Stroke and Seizure, Injury Emergencies like burns and bleeding, and finally Environmental Emergencies.

Beyond the differences between Heartsaver CPR and BLS, there are many topics that are the same. Both courses cover the basics listed above for CPR for Adults, CPR for Children, and CPR for Infants. Both classes cover Choking emergencies and both classes cover the new topic of Opioid Overdose emergencies.

If you are ready to take Heartsaver CPR or BLS (Basic Life Support) come to Life Saving CPR Training in Sacramento California. You will find the official American Heart Association (AHA) CPR certification that you need. Visit our website: https://cprskillssacramento.com/ to find the schedule of classes and sign up online. You can call us at (916) 672-2008 with questions or to sign up for a course over the phone. #CPRsavesLives! So find the right course for you! Because #LifeisWhy!

3 thoughts on “What are the differences between Heartsaver CPR and BLS?”

  1. […] If you need CPR Training for Work in almost any field you are likely to need the American Heart Association (AHA) CPR courses found at Life Saving CPR Training. Those not in a healthcare field will want Heartsaver CPR AED and/or First Aid. This is general workplace CPR for people of all ages and occupations. Some occupations that require this CPR Training include Construction Safety Officers, Massage Therapists, Childcare, and many more! If you are not sure if you need Heartsaver or Basic Life Support check out this comparison on what topics are i…. […]


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